Steven J. Woodworth
Here are brief overviews of my active research projects:
Alongside my dissertation I have developed a project at the intersection of ethics, epistemology, and the philosophy of language centered on what it is for speech to be attributable to a speaker. This topic offers fertile grounds for deepening our understanding of what it is for a speaker to exercise her agency, the ways in which she comes to be responsible for her speech, and the publicity of practical reason. I have completed two papers as part of this project: in “Plausible Deniability and Taking Responsibility for Another’s Belief” I respond to a skeptical worry concerning the possibility of testimonial knowledge, and in “Openness and Complicity in Communication” I argue that an overemphasis on a particularly linguistic notion of avowability distorts our understanding of what it is for a speaker's communicative intention to be open to her audience.

carved pole, papau new guinea garden, stanford